Saturday 26 February 2011


I just finished watching David Fincher's "The Social Network" (for the fourth time). It always makes me think. Anyone can change their life with one great idea, the only problem I have is in the great idea's department. The last 'Great' idea I had was to funnel a bottle of wine before I started drinking to go out. It was the second time I did it in a week, the first time my night went badly because I was too drunk. Therefore repeating the performance makes me wonder if I have one more small problem, that being failure to recognise a terrible idea after a metaphorical "kick of the donkey". But this doesn't stop me feeling like maybe after I slowly wade my way through the thousands of bull shit idea's, maybe there is one that will make me a billionaire. Afterall the film "Hot Tub Time Machine" suggest mixing Twitter with Viagra, calling it Twitagra, I can surely come up with something at least that useless and moneyspinning. But if my life is destined for adverse mediocrity, at least I now have a record that at one point in my life (at this point it's all going fairly badly) had inspiration. Then again, I do fancy one more crack at that funnel and bottle of wine, maybe my night will get better if I do 2 bottles?

Friday 25 February 2011

Gym, It's Getting Me A Situation

Did you know that a gymnasium was used in ancient greek times as a word for physical and mental education? Ironically the people who tend to take the gym most seriously are the ones in greatest need of intellectual improvement. Having recently decided that my current somatotype is getting pretty ridiculous, I decided to hit the gym in order to get that "Beach Body" that Hollywood says I probably should. Because we all know unless you're really funny you probably won't get away with being fat for long. I promise anyone who can be bothered to read this now, I won't become one of those douchebags who just talks about the gym all the time. But hey, as this is possibly the only time I will mention it, I rowed 5 kilometers yesterday. I'm G as fuck.

Have a nice day.

Monday 21 February 2011

Take Your Shot

Today a girl hit me because I was laughing at her boyfriend getting thrown out. She hit me and yet I remain unsatisfied. I asked Jack to hit me and he agree'd, but has now bottled it. Dan kind of hit me but I'm not impressed, he can hit me a lot harder. This is disappointing especially as being drunk I at least expect to feel the effect of pills, these are pointless. Long story short, I live with people who refuse to hit me. What is their problem?

Saturday 19 February 2011

Entertainment At It's Most Illogical

The Metal Gear Solid 4 game has been played pretty much constantly for the last 2 days. As a playstation game it offers a lot of the shit you want. Boss graphics, cool guns and slutty computer generated babes. This is not the only thing this game has. It has cut scenes which are about half an hour long each time, often with less than 5 minutes gameplay in between these scenes. If I wanted to watch a film, I'd watch a film, but as I have my playstation on and my controller in my hand, it's clear I want to play a game. So why the hell has 12 hours of game time amounted in what I can only imagine is the least well represented game clock in history. I should just turn the game off, make Jack and Dan play something else, but curiosity has now got the better of me. MGS4, I hope you're happy, because I'm not.

Friday 18 February 2011

Quiet Night In

No one is going out tonight from my house, no complaints here as I'm broke as a joke. Only problem is a quiet night in with Jack and Dan is always a little bit questionable. Before 11 we had Stella chilled in the fridge, and a pack of cards spread out on our table.... in the shape of a swastika. The Nazi drinking game is not one for the easily offended, especially when educated people are asked to make up new rules, including shouting Blitzkrieg, causing you to stand up, turn in a circle and drink. Knowledge is always dangerous in the wrong hands. In fact, it's the educated nature of these people which makes their statements all the more horrendous. I'm not a historian, and don't profess to know much on Nazi Germany but even I know that using the death of 6000000 as a drinking game is pretty bad. The beer was nice though. I'm slowly  beginning to think that this blog is letting far too many people in on the ridiculous nature of human behavior in this house, but then again it would be arrogant to think we are the only ones this stupid. Everyone is this stupid, just some people don't let it out. I suggest, let it out.

Today... Shouldn't Be Classed As Productive

Today, I got out of bed at 4.30. All day I have successfully achieved putting a wash on and..... I played FIFA. The sad thing is most days I wouldn't of even bothered to put the wash on. Does this make me a bad person? I can only presume no and carry on in the same manner until someone tell me that I am a bad person, thus forcing me to see the error of my ways. But hey, Michael Youens is 25, and his mum does his washing, and he probably did something similar to me today, so I have 4 years to turn it around till I'm anywhere near as bad as him! But on the other hand Steve Boy told me he has pretty much always had a job his whole adult life, sometimes comparisons make me sad.

Thursday 17 February 2011

A Typical Evening, Unfortunately

This evening I have spent it, like most evening's, sat socialising with the lads I live with. Sounds innocent and pleasant. The "Unfortunately" comes in when the discussions and opinions raised in conversation come to light. Today when posed with the question "How do you want to go out (die)?". The following answers were given...
"Fighting off Polar bears for a Pepperami", "Taken out by police because I have raped multiple women" and "With the world in ruins and all my enemies dead, I kill myself with a sword" (that one was mine). This along with one of them doing a dutch oven on himself, is an all too regular and casual part of life here. They say you are a product of you're environment, and the argument between nature over nurture is ever present. God help me.

Why Not?

As a man who has too much spare time, and not enough motivation, I thought this might be a good way to fill the day. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, I should fill the day with getting a job. Believe me I'm trying. It's tiring being broke as a joke! So this brings me back to the title of this entry... Why not have a blog? Enjoy.