Saturday 26 February 2011


I just finished watching David Fincher's "The Social Network" (for the fourth time). It always makes me think. Anyone can change their life with one great idea, the only problem I have is in the great idea's department. The last 'Great' idea I had was to funnel a bottle of wine before I started drinking to go out. It was the second time I did it in a week, the first time my night went badly because I was too drunk. Therefore repeating the performance makes me wonder if I have one more small problem, that being failure to recognise a terrible idea after a metaphorical "kick of the donkey". But this doesn't stop me feeling like maybe after I slowly wade my way through the thousands of bull shit idea's, maybe there is one that will make me a billionaire. Afterall the film "Hot Tub Time Machine" suggest mixing Twitter with Viagra, calling it Twitagra, I can surely come up with something at least that useless and moneyspinning. But if my life is destined for adverse mediocrity, at least I now have a record that at one point in my life (at this point it's all going fairly badly) had inspiration. Then again, I do fancy one more crack at that funnel and bottle of wine, maybe my night will get better if I do 2 bottles?

1 comment:

  1. You know... I think the above posting is very much an age thing... You finally realise that you are becoming an adult and you are waiting for your "big break"... Honey, if you don't make it happen it won't!
