Friday 25 February 2011

Gym, It's Getting Me A Situation

Did you know that a gymnasium was used in ancient greek times as a word for physical and mental education? Ironically the people who tend to take the gym most seriously are the ones in greatest need of intellectual improvement. Having recently decided that my current somatotype is getting pretty ridiculous, I decided to hit the gym in order to get that "Beach Body" that Hollywood says I probably should. Because we all know unless you're really funny you probably won't get away with being fat for long. I promise anyone who can be bothered to read this now, I won't become one of those douchebags who just talks about the gym all the time. But hey, as this is possibly the only time I will mention it, I rowed 5 kilometers yesterday. I'm G as fuck.

Have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Just a note... The germans still call part of their education "gymnasium" :)

    Keep up the exercise!
